Excited Dog Can't Fight The Urge To Keep Jumping For Joy Whenever She Goes To The Beach
This dog is so overjoyed whenever they go to the beach that it looks like she gets jumping super powers every single time

Do you remember the first time you went to the beach? With the sand between your toes and the wind blowing against your hair.
There’s a sort of calmness that people find whenever they go to the beach. Maybe it’s because of the vast picture of blue waves or maybe it reminds them of vacation days.
The beach also sparks excitement! From little kids wanting to go to the water the moment they step on the shore to surfers wanting to ride big waves.
Most dogs are exceptionally happy when they could run around the shore. There's something about the environment that gets makes them feel like they're free to run around and swim, which isn't as far from a kid's excitement.
For a certain doggo named Tofu, seeing the beach is already enough for her to jump for joy. She actually even looks like he’s flying for joy when you look at his photos.
The sassy and unique dog is the pet of Ashleigh Macpherson and is said to be uber ecstatic every single time they go to the beach. She’s no stranger when it comes to taking dogs to the beach but Tofu’s reaction is quite different from the rest of her pets’ responses.
Her happiness is so contagious it makes people who pass her smile with her reaction. Ashleigh thinks that the beach is really Tofu’s favorite place and she would let you know with her barks and fast tail wagging.
Tofu has always been vocally expressive but it looks like barking isn’t enough to contain her excitement

The better way she could show how much she loves the beach is by jumping for joy!

Tofu’s jump is so high that she looks like she’s flying in the pictures. They're so hilarious that at first you would think that they're edited.

But it's just Tofu and her ever lasting happiness for the beach
In an interview, Ashleigh said that her other dogs tried to copy Tofu’s jumping but they couldn’t do it as high as she could

People who are lucky enough to pass by Tofu when they’re on the beach would witness how he would light up, which makes them feel the all-around positive vibes

Just like the sassy Tofu, her love for the beach is unique and even if they wanted to imitate her, they simply get to her level

It even sparks confusion among them on why she was so excited, but they'll make sure she wouldn't float away from them

Proudly, Ashleigh is glad she there's something that can make her dog this happy

Here’s Tofu with the rest of the pack that they take to the beach!

When you want to run around already but your mom wants to take pictures first

Thank Ashleigh narrated that at first, she was a bit embarrassed by how excited Tofu was. There was a lot of barking and zooming around which attracted attention.
But she soon realized that there was nothing like seeing your beloved dog being so happy like the way Tofu was. In the end, that’s what really mattered.