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Woman Turns To Reddit After Husband Shuts Down Her Wishes Of A Childbirth Tradition

Woman Turns To Reddit After Husband Shuts Down Her Wishes Of A Childbirth Tradition

Senad 1 year ago

Preparing for the arrival of a newborn is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming experience, especially for first-time parents. In this Reddit story, a soon-to-be mother finds herself contemplating a post-pregnancy recovery practice called "zuo yue zi" in her region, which involves staying in bed to physically and mentally recuperate after giving birth.

Moving to a different country and embracing new cultural norms can be both fascinating and challenging. In this case, the concept of "Zuo yue zi" is not widely practiced in her husband's country.

Nevertheless, the mother firmly believes in the benefits of this recovery period and has already taken two months off from work to prepare for it. She has attempted to discuss the matter with her husband, but he remains unconvinced, citing the need for someone to care for both her and their child during this time.

The mother presents several reasons why she believes "zuo yue zi" is feasible for their situation. Firstly, they are financially secure, so the cost of her extended leave would not have a significant impact on their finances.

Additionally, she proposes that her parents could provide the necessary support during this period. Moreover, her company offers excellent employee benefits, including parental leave, which would cover the additional month she desires.

Furthermore, her husband could also take advantage of parental leave, enabling him to spend more time bonding with their daughter and supporting the family.

Despite these justifications, the husband remains hesitant, expressing concerns about potential complications in extending the parents' visas, especially given the inconvenience it might cause. The mother, however, is determined to revisit the topic due to recent developments in her pregnancy.

Her plans for a natural birth have changed, and she will now undergo a cesarean section. As a result, she believes that the physical and emotional toll on her body necessitates an additional month of rest.

OP seeks guidance from the Reddit community, questioning whether she would be in the wrong if she were to bring up the topic once again.

OP is going to give birth soon and there's a specific tradition in her region called "zuo yue zu"

OP is going to give birth soon and there's a specific tradition in her region called "zuo yue zu"

OP has talked about this with her husband but he believes that it's unnecessary

OP has talked about this with her husband but he believes that it's unnecessary

OP listed a few reasons why she believes that it's possible for her to go through with this tradition

OP listed a few reasons why she believes that it's possible for her to go through with this tradition

OP is left wondering if it would be wrong from her to bring up the topic again

OP is left wondering if it would be wrong from her to bring up the topic again

OP provided an edit to the original story

OP provided an edit to the original story

A lot of unexpected things happened since she originally wrote the post

A lot of unexpected things happened since she originally wrote the post

In a further update, OP shared that she would be going through with it

In a further update, OP shared that she would be going through with it

She's the one giving birth

She's the one giving birth

Red flags are waving

Red flags are waving

Prioritize yourself

Prioritize yourself

Ultimately, OP decided to honor her own needs and follow her instincts. Despite potential complications with visa extensions for her parents, she remained firm in her belief that the additional month of rest was essential for her well-being, considering the recent developments in her pregnancy.

While the husband initially held reservations about the necessity of "zuo yue zi," the collective wisdom of the Reddit community helped broaden his perspective.